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21 votes

How to properly remove sensitive information after it was posted?

Flag for moderator attention and explain exactly what the issue is. Include the revision number of edited questions with such information for ease of finding. Moderators can then purge the revision ...
Nij's user avatar
  • 130
17 votes

Should I roll back this edit to my question? (Black-> Dark skinned)

Roll it back. Per Meta.SE, editing is justified "to make things better, clearer, more effective -- never to change meaning". As you state, "dark skinned" is not the same as "black", and "black" is ...
lambshaanxy's user avatar
  • 99.2k
14 votes

Poll on mass editing / 'flooding' / re-tagging impacts (of older posts)

Some mass edits are useful, but others are annoying if not actively harmful. Mass edits involving more than N edits (for some value of N to be determined) should be proposed on meta and discussed ...
Zach Lipton's user avatar
  • 86.5k
13 votes

What is the stance on unfamiliar English words?

My mantra is: if it makes the post clearer then edit it. Expressions and idioms that are geographically localised can be, by that same nature, not familiar to the rest of the people browsing the site ...
JoErNanO's user avatar
  • 52.8k
12 votes

Rejected edit due to deviate from OP post - Disagreement

I think you're fine. Your edit was fine to my eyes, it does not make any drastic changes and does not change the intent of the post. Had I edited myself I'm not sure I would have done the bullet ...
mts's user avatar
  • 26.4k
12 votes

What to do if an answer is false?

Don't flag. It's not up to the mods to decide if it's correct or not - we can't be experts in everything and know the 'truth'. Step 1 - downvote. Step 2 - COMMENT. ALWAYS COMMENT IF YOU DOWNVOTE. ...
Mark Mayo's user avatar
  • 160k
11 votes

Why do so many identify-this questions feature odd or archaic words for landscape features?

My guess is that these keywords are "get into HNQ" cards. I think that this is just a strategy to game the HNQ (Hot Network Questions)/reputation system. Using an obscure word will give your question ...
TooTea's user avatar
  • 5,612
10 votes

Poll on mass editing / 'flooding' / re-tagging impacts (of older posts)

Edits should be batched and just a few done at a time, so that we don't clog up the front page. Yay for editing old stuff and it's useful, but it needs to be done sparingly.
Mark Mayo's user avatar
  • 160k
7 votes

Poll on mass editing / 'flooding' / re-tagging impacts (of older posts)

tl;dr: do a few quality edits, avoid shitty mass edits I would like to bring up the argument of edit quality here. Many mass edits that I have seen and found annoying has been minor stuff on old, ...
mts's user avatar
  • 26.4k
7 votes

May I request a second opinion on this edit rejection?

I did reject the edit, in hindsight I should have accepted it. I missed the strong feelings, which could have been kept even without offensive wordings, The edit has been handled by someone else now, ...
Willeke's user avatar
  • 62.6k
7 votes

How much do I cut and how much do I leave

You should update the answer with the most recent information, so that it becomes accurate, factual, and complete. Hence, you should cut out the outdated parts, insert the updated ones, and re-write ...
JoErNanO's user avatar
  • 52.8k
5 votes

Why was this suggested edit rejected? Should I quit submitting (some kind of) edits?

I think the proposed edit should have been approved. Addressing some of the concerns raised in the other answer: (concern that your edit prevents other from editing): If another user with the edit ...
JJJ's user avatar
  • 3,199
5 votes

Changing the meaning of a question

My current opinion is that changing the meaning of the question is not OK. After initially not liking the edit (emotional response), I then found that it does indeed make the question more objective ...
problemofficer - n.f. Monica's user avatar
5 votes

These edits cleaning up the language, shouldn't have been rejected

You may have noticed the meme in the question, where we have a whole series of questions with this title, affectionately known as the Bathroom 101 series, in some of the [chat] circles. Some might ...
Mark Mayo's user avatar
  • 160k
5 votes

Should we be editing each other's posts for style and regional spelling?

When people start out editing as new users and their edits go to the wait list to be approved, they are asked not to do minor edits. I feel that is a good basic rule. But there are exceptions. ...
Willeke's user avatar
  • 62.6k
4 votes

"Is it true that <statement>"

As an author of one of the linked questions - go ahead and edit it. In total we have 17 such questions - feel free to update them too, for better readability.
JonathanReez's user avatar
  • 81.6k
4 votes

Why was my edit rejected?

I rejected your edit. As some people are very serious about chemtrails, whether you or I believe in them makes no difference, OP had them mentioned, in a way that showed he wanted them in. It is not ...
Willeke's user avatar
  • 62.6k
4 votes

Edit history bug

As far as I remember I have seen it called the grace period and it is common on several or all Stack Exchange sites. See Editing FAQ on Meta for more information. So I would not call it a bug but a ...
Willeke's user avatar
  • 62.6k
3 votes

May I request a second opinion on this edit rejection?

Your suggested edit certainly seems reasonable to me. The language it removes had already provoked quite some discussion which didn't go anywhere near the direction of answering the question, but was ...
Chris H's user avatar
  • 12.4k
3 votes

These edits cleaning up the language, shouldn't have been rejected

Toilets are an awkward topic, and the tone of language of the original answer is slightly on the tongue-in-cheek side (but only slightly). I think it's quite appropriate given the topic.
Jim MacKenzie's user avatar
3 votes

How to handle questions if the user changes accounts?

This is a somewhat common situation, which can be split into two separate issues: What to do with the suggested edit? What to do with the "duplicate" user? Handling Edits from Re-Registered/...
JoErNanO's user avatar
  • 52.8k
2 votes

Poll on mass editing / 'flooding' / re-tagging impacts (of older posts)

Stack Exchange should softly hide cases where more than 3 posts have been edited. Show the first one, then the second one, then the third one, and then have a "show more" link with AJAXy expansion if ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
2 votes

Poll on mass editing / 'flooding' / re-tagging impacts (of older posts)

Too many edits flood the front page and are a) annoying / frustrating and b) distracting. Viewing the newest questions doesn't show new answers, among other updates we like to see. Useful new edits ...
Mark Mayo's user avatar
  • 160k
2 votes

Rejected edit due to deviate from OP post - Disagreement

I went ahead and re-fixed the mistakes as your edit suggested. There is simply no excuse to have them in on the site. I left the formatting as it was, and I strongly believe that it was the part that ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
2 votes

"Is it true that <statement>"

This happens a lot on Skeptics.SE. I think the reasons for prefixing it are understandable (eg not wanting to appear to be stupid), but I think the titles should be edited for clarity and conciseness.
Golden Cuy's user avatar
2 votes

What is the stance on unfamiliar English words?

"Please don't pluck the flowers" has a pretty clear meaning, even if it's an Indian usage, but "prepone" doesn't have clear meaning to non-Indian speakers. I think choosing phrasing that will be easy ...
Jim MacKenzie's user avatar
2 votes

My question about prepaid roaming billing was closed. I've improved it. Perhaps we could reopen it, or perhaps I could somehow improve it more?

I do not think you can edit this question such that it fits the site. The answer will depend on the technical abilities of several networks, their policies on how to charge and their contact with your ...
Willeke's user avatar
  • 62.6k
1 vote

What is the stance on unfamiliar English words?

For this site - and not the language sites - I suggest the conservative solution of immediately editing everything you don’t find in a larger dictionary. For the rest comment and seek agreement with ...
Ludi's user avatar
  • 539

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