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16 votes

CEO promoting his own company's paid app in two answers without disclosing his affiliation

As "chief prosecutor" here, I'm in the delete camp, and wanted to explain why. Ordinarily, disclosure is great. If someone comes and provides a useful answer, and says "btw, this is my app; let me ...
Zach Lipton's user avatar
  • 86.3k
15 votes

Is the location of the bus station really spam/promotional content?

Judging from the comments there, it's quite clear that these users believed you had given the name and phone numbers of a driver called Dimitri. lol :) The users who mistook this for spam spend ...
Fiksdal's user avatar
  • 15.7k
15 votes

CEO promoting his own company's paid app in two answers without disclosing his affiliation

Delete both answers as spam We should send a clear message that advertising one's own products without disclosing one's affiliation is not alright. In this case the problem has been left unresolved ...
Fiksdal's user avatar
  • 15.7k
10 votes

Is the location of the bus station really spam/promotional content?

As other answers have pointed out, this was likely a misunderstanding. I would like to point out an additional way to prevent such a misunderstanding. Do not omit the N-S and E-W designators and ...
Polygnome's user avatar
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5 votes

Do spam posts’ personal information need to be redacted?

I'm the mod who declined the flag. While I do acknowledge that the spam post is still visible to all 10k+ users, its generally of little concern as 99.99% of our visitors will never have access to it. ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
  • 82.5k
4 votes

This spammer should be deleted

Moderators are notified when a sustained flag is generated. There's no need to post to remove a given spam user. Mods will see it and take action accordingly. Just red-flag the post.
Machavity's user avatar
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4 votes

Posts hacking right now

Good catch. Clearly, the user registered with the sole purpose of posting spam content and defacing posts. The profile has now been destroyed. The way SE works is that anonymous and low-reputation (&...
JoErNanO's user avatar
  • 52.7k
3 votes

CEO promoting his own company's paid app in two answers without disclosing his affiliation

Spamming is uncivilized behavior, and I have to be pretty desperate to reward a spammer with my business, no matter how good their company is. In other words, if an answer is spam, that automatically ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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3 votes

CEO promoting his own company's paid app in two answers without disclosing his affiliation

First time I've seen this in the mod queue, although I've only been a mod again for a few months. It's technically not a great answer - and some would class it as spam. To not be, you need to: ...
Mark Mayo's user avatar
  • 160k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible