Sometimes, people have questions about allowed topics from Travel.SE in their own country, without the intent to travel, but there isn't really a SE site where you could ask that.
I'm talking about stuff like tipping at restaurants in your home country, unwritten rules on public transport in your own country, Basically anything that's documented as a valid reason to ask a question in the help center, but where the user doesn't ask it for travel reasons.
Technically, such questions aren't allowed on here (yet), I think, because they're not exactly travel related, but they could definitely fit in here because they can help other people.
So what's the verdict on this?
This question is not a duplicate of the below question by uncovery, since that was an obvious April Fools joke that doesn't even ask the same question. This question essentially is "are questions about domestic tourism okay?", while the other question is "should we ban questions that aren't asked while traveling?".