Somebody who is using 'Lakh' as a quantity probably does not know its limited usage.
Should the diligent question editor remove 'Lakh' and multiply the quantity by 100,000 to make the question clearer to a broader audience? Or alternatively comment? Or alternatively flag?
What are the best practices for the diligent editor on the usage of 'Lakh'?
The question scope is includes the use of thousand separators for large numbers.
Adding 22 April 2015
The consensus given by the answers below is...
- Lahks (and implicitly crores) should be expanded into decimal units;
- Commas should be used as the thousands separator;
- Decimal points should be used as the fractional separator
- Any other conversions (such as metric to imperial or fahrenheit to celsius) are not affected by this question. The question scope is limited to Lahks (and implicitly crores) only.
"So it shall be written. So it shall be done." (Rameses II)