tl;dr: do a few quality edits, avoid shitty mass edits
I would like to bring up the argument of edit quality here. Many mass edits that I have seen and found annoying has been minor stuff on old, inactive or even closed questions.
So if you remove the tag usa on a question that is already tagged los-angeles, edit "7" to "seven" in an answer that has been closed two years ago or you decide on your own that all three-letter tags should be reserved for airports and start going through every question about airports then I am getting an urge to punch someone in the face and leave the site.
If however one does high-quality edits, that significantly improve or contribute to a post, then I applaud you. By high-quality I mean e.g. improving and correctly tagging new questions, especially helping in re-phrasing them to avoid closure, updating old reference posts upon rule changes or adding a significant piece of information to old answers.
Personally I find myself unable to do more than 5 such high-quality edits in a row without losing concentration and a significant drop in quality of my contribution.