I first review [identify-this] questions upvoted and open at today.
No picture in post, no location.
Name of this place. Just a Facebook link. Why didn't screen cap something?
What's the status of this border crossing between Thailand and Cambodia?. Just a link to Google Maps. Again why no screen cap? I can't figure out straightway where author means.
What is the bright light between Singapore and Tokyo?. Difficult to take picture from airplane, but without pic, I don't know what author means.
Ascertainable with Google Picture Search.
What coast or river-adjacent city is in this photo?
What city is this cityscape?
I don't have time list all Windows lock screen picture questions.
Where on earth is this image from the backgrounds in Windows?. Very sorry if you upset, but author here is moderator.
Windows 10 wallpaper background (Spring)
Which city can be seen on this Windows 10 lock screen photo featuring a stadium next to a river?
Which city can be seen on this Windows 10 lockscreen?
Where was this wallpaper taken? (Windows 8 Developer/Consumer/Release Preview lock screen)
Windows 10 Lock Screen Wallpaper, where is this location?
What is the location of photo used for Windows 10 lock screen?
Where is this city?
Where on Earth is this Win10 lock screen image from, with a stone town in a rock crevice?
No location, fiction
Where is this fountain (from Counter-Strike)?
Is there a real location that resembles Moominvalley?
Which hotel is featured on the cover of Career Paths: Hotels & Catering?
Identify location of old painting
Old Painting - Identify Location
No location, real life
Identify waterside building / skyline
Where in the world is this harbour town?
Does anyone know where this beach is located?
What is this building?
What is this city that is being shown on a Samsung TV model?
Identify the building in this picture
Where was this stock photo taken?
Where was this photo taken (screensaver on LG Oled TV)?
In which city are these buildings?
Where is this solitary building with a town and mountains in the background behind a valley?
Where was this stock photo (mountains, town) taken?
What traffic interchange does this picture show?
Where was this photograph taken?
In what city is this bus (tram?) located?
This is a picture on my LG TV screensaver. I would like to know where this is?
What castle is this?
Where was this picture taken? (Chromecast background, 3 steep rocks)
Just continent name
What and where is this old-looking stone building?
Just country name
Which American City is this?
Now I turn to PL's seven questions.
Not obvious if Yosemite Falls is "Ascertainable from Google Picture Search." Google gave these visually similar pics, but they're not the same.
But the six other all have U.S. State Name, and more specific than any question above. Example, Highway 145 in Colorado is very specific and narrows the location between two small towns in Colorado. And it got two pictures, one is Google Earth screenshot. Author looks like just couple miles off location!!! Why's it closed if Where is this on highway 24/highway 12 in Utah? is topical?
Author's questions are very better than sample. They got much more info. Pics are upvoted many times and they're from travel Reddit sites. Chris H. asks in comment "how you reach the conclusion that a user asking a one off bad question has more issues with trolling or bad faith than a user with an extremely long string of questions with the same problems, even after repeatedly being told what those problems are"? Chris is right, I get no clue if author is "trolling" or "good faith". Trolls want waste our time and make us guess. Trolls more likely post pictures without any location or info, or fictional pictures like sample above.
If author is trolling, why use pic from many upvoted Reddit posts? Why write out town name, state, and country? Like in Highway 145 Colorado question, author narrowed down location very much. Author is so close to location. Why do all these if author doesn't want us know real location? I know author posted terrible pics before, but this is why I think author isn't trolling in these seven questions. I think author improved and got on a new leaf.
"no location, fiction" questions are more like trolling, how do we know if real life has them? We can waste hours trying to find and get no location. "No picture in post, no location" is bad faith, why not post pictures? why get us to click links? ""Ascertainable with Google Picture Search" is bad faith, why not try harder or post Google search result to show you tried? "No location. Real life" is bad faith, why didn't write out where you got picture?
PL's questions are not "low quality" compared to sample. low quality is random tram and random man in front of random building in black white pic. Why didn't write out why you care about this tram or man or building, or where you got it? PL's pics from travel Reddit sites with many upvotes.
Other Issues Irrelevant to Question Quality
PL flooded website with seven questions in two hours, this is too many and demanding! But flooding doesn't matter to question quality. Did anyone tell author to post less, or specific time frame for how many questions? Then author can stick to concrete time frame, and moderator can react if author violates time frame.
I don't see how sock puppet matters to question quality. Sock puppet is allowed But you can report sock puppet abuse to moderators and moderators will deal. Right?
I see just one clear issue, post flooding, but it's easy to fix. This doesn't make me "unhappy", COVID does.
PL's six questions are great. Yosemite Falls is fine if next time author proved he tried Google Picture Search with screen cap. I proved other people asked very worse questions.
Very sorry if you get upset, but I think this user's questions got closed just because some people just dislike PL because of possible sock puppet Not because PL's questions are off topic or have any thing wrong.
Am I right? Why not just be up front? Why not just straight up tell PL to stop asking questions here? Or tell PL how to redeem, so PL's on topic questions won't be closed just because people hate PL? This saves everyone time and energy.
No "clear policy on which kinds of question should be closed or left open"
Franck Dernoncourt is right. See these two comments.
From New Hampshire foliage question
From Sonoma County question
Out these seven, PL posted two pictures from Colorado, two from California, one from Wyoming, one from Alaska, one from New Hampshire. I agree Alaska and New Hampshire are "spread over", but you can do California, Colorado, Wyoming in one road trip. But it's possible to add Alaska and Hew Hampshire to a road trip. It's expensive, but how can we know author won't do pan American road trip?
But PL's questions absolutely show research. Like phoog, I can't find the standard of "additional locations near well defined route".