My question Filter Airbnb rooms for Eiffel tower view received a new contributor's answer, which I found rather analytical, upvoted and commented positively underneath it; however I accepted another answer.

Now I see that the answer is gone, but I don't have enough reputation (I think) to see what happened. Wasn't I enough supportive causing the new contributor to remove their question?

Maybe it downvote(s) - because my question also did, so maybe the same user downvoted the new contributor's answer too?

1 Answer 1


It was deemed a ChatGPT answer and handled as spam, not by me but by one of our other mods.

  • Because Generative AI is banned, I thought I didn't have to filter for those. Thanks a lot for the prompt reply. Now that I think of it, the answer may have been analytical, but it was no where near laconic and actually insightful.
    – gsamaras
    Commented Dec 4, 2023 at 13:15
  • 1
    It was marked as ChatGPT by someone who flagged it, I was not sure so asked for a second opinion.
    – Willeke Mod
    Commented Dec 4, 2023 at 13:41
  • I think it was a good call Willeke. All this "be nice to the new contributors" made my guard soft, thanks for being there to protect the community.
    – gsamaras
    Commented Dec 4, 2023 at 14:36

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