So, obviously when answers clearly don't answer the question (like actual comments or new questions, often from people who think SE is a forum) they should obviously be deleted.
However, what if answers do attempt to answer the question, but they are just very low quality?
I was just in the review queue, and saw this answer to the question "Is it possible to get breakfast or coffee before 9am in a cafe in Batumi?" nominated for deletion:
No, It's Not Possible...
Very Harder to find ? Breakfast in Batumi before 9 AM...
Now, there is no question that this is low quality. It doesn't provide any reasoning or sources. At least, if OP is a local or has a thorough knowledge of the city, then they should say that to lend credibility to the answer. Moreover, the city has 152,839 residents and is the second largest in the country, so I very much doubt that there's not a single place to get breakfast before 9:00 in a city of such size.
So, it is an answer, but very low quality, and probably wrong.
So maybe VLQ answers like these should be deleted? Maybe give OP a notice that they should add elaboration or sources within a certain timespan, and then consider deletion if OP doesn't elaborate?
Is very low quality a deletion reason? (Since this is technically an answer, we can't delete it as "not an answer". The reason would have to be VLQ.)
This answer also has poor grammar and English, but I think we can disregard that. We can easily clean up the language aspects with an edit. I'm sure everybody here agrees that we need to welcome input and local knowledge from users, even if they don't have a good knowledge of English.
Obviously, the downvote option is always there for VLQ answers. But when should they be deleted?