Building on the success of previous Answerathon competitions, here is a new competition idea which rewards the most visually creative answer. For every competition week (7 24h days, beginning each Monday of the week at UTC+00:00) participants should write one or more answers including a picture that best represents the question scope. The original idea for this competition comes from Gayot FowGayot Fow.
Once the upvote has occurred (and not earlier)), edit the latest answer on this page for the date in question, and someone else can review and confirm.
IF there are no unanswered questionsunanswered questions at all (hah), then and only then can you answer a previously-answered question for your week.
IF the question you answer is marked as a duplicate on the same week, your answer is invalidated.
IF the question you answered is put on hold by the community on the same week, your answer is invalidated.
IF you are part of a previous ongoing Answerathon, and it's still going, you CANNOT use the same answer to enter more than one competition. You'll have to answer a new question for each.