My recent question has prompted a rather controversial answer with (current) votes of +4/-3, and comments (each with multiple up-votes) to the effect that it is harsh, and doesn't address the question. I have to agree with both of these sentiments.
The answer accuses me of intentional smuggling. That's patently untrue, but even if it were true, it's irrelevant to the question. (It might be grounds for closing the question as relating to illegal activities, but it wouldn't be grounds for providing an insulting and/or irrelevant answer.)
The answer doesn't answer the question. The question is "What are my options?" The answer doesn't even attempt to provide options.
As I am the one who asked the question, I recognize that I'm not going to have the most objective opinion on this matter, but it seems that several others agree with either or both of these complaints against the answer.
It seems to me the answer ought to be deleted unless/until it can be edited to actually answer the question, and, ideally, do so in a way that isn't insulting (although I wouldn't insist on the latter).
So you intended to import an expensive, dutiable bauble into the UK ... You did not declare the bauble to HM Customs upon arrival
-- That sure looks to me like an accusation of intentional smuggling.