I have my ups and downs with SE sites, probably more downs and ups, and I've deleted my account on many of the SE sites, where I have never should established because of my poor nerves and intolerance for newspeak and mind-washing memes. The reason I would never be a good moderator.
But SE is an awesome place for people asking for help and willing for help. Not all sites maybe, my personal experience with academy and workspace is terrible, my feelings against religious sites are at best mixed, and I'm terribly disappointed how politics turned what it was feared to be (and that, although my studies started from political sciences, I'm unable anymore to provide any highly meritorious input, which is disappointment from my side).
But some sites are definitely awesome. The StackOverflow from which it started, the outdoor and fitness family, the languages, and the travel! This site is really wonderful resource, and I'm not aware of any other site that provides such a great help for travelers. It is a great value added for the whole internet community, and some personal conflicts between moderators are not going to change my mind about it. I will continue using this site and I hope nobody will change their minds because of what one side of the conflict has to say. Because we don't know what was really on and probably we will never know.