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10 votes

A friendly reminder that one can EDIT as well as close a question

I would like to expand on the usefulness of the edit button presented in the review queues (both the close vote and the low quality queue). For the close vote review queue, it is explicitly mentioned ...
Jan's user avatar
  • 16k
6 votes

When should answers be deleted?

I'd say this is a "Flag as not an answer, then convert to comment" one. It's not a good answer, but it does have a little value: it helps confirm that the asker (or in this case, the asker's friend) ...
user56reinstatemonica8's user avatar
5 votes

Suggested edits review is done poorly

I see your point. Some edits are controversial and can be seen either way and some are actively harmful, such as the one you spotted. The problem with review validation on SO as I recall it, is that ...
mts's user avatar
  • 26.4k
4 votes

Why was my edit rejected?

I rejected your edit. As some people are very serious about chemtrails, whether you or I believe in them makes no difference, OP had them mentioned, in a way that showed he wanted them in. It is not ...
Willeke's user avatar
  • 61.6k
3 votes

"This edit deviates from the original intent of the post" for correcting an inaccuracy

Edits are not for correcting information in the answers (or questions.) That is the reason the edit was rejected. If you do not agree with the information in an answer you can comment with what you ...
Willeke's user avatar
  • 61.6k
3 votes

Accidentally hit the wrong button on the review

You can open the question directly and revise your vote by clicking the "close" link under the question's text (in a somewhat counter-intuitive Windows-start-menu fashion, that's also where you will ...
Relaxed's user avatar
  • 110k
3 votes

When should answers be deleted?

In my opinion, if after I have strained myself, I find a way how the answer was possibly an attempt at answering the question, I click Looks OK. I may just visit the link and downvote it, though. If ...
Jan's user avatar
  • 16k
2 votes

Edit from a person who is being quoted as a source, and disapproves somewhat

I'd say the person should add their own answer if they disagree with the existing one. Editing to explain a misrepresented quote seems weird to me.
JoErNanO's user avatar
  • 52.7k

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