Our 5 year anniversary falls on the 28th of June this year, if we consider our birth date to be [the date our public beta went live][1]. Time to celebrate this Travel.SE style - with a competition!

Below are two possible proposals:

1. For the whole month of June we could run a bounty giveaway. Users sign up and agree to place and keep three bounties live during the entire month. In other words, each participant starts with three bounties on the 1st of June, and must end with three bounties on the 30th of June. Whenever a bounty is awarded or expire, it must be replaced by another bounty.  This option costs the participants about 600 rep (3 bounties * 4 weeks * 50)

2. The other way to do this would be to define a rota, so that each participant posts a bounty on their assigned days. The result here would be to have the community create a total of 30 bounties posted throughout the month. This could be our plan B in case we don't get enough participants for proposal 1. This option costs the participants about 150 rep (3 bounties * 50).

Then we go and advertise this in other SE websites, asking people to come and answer questions here, luring them in with prizes and rep. The objective being to reduce our unanswered rate whilst gathering new potential contributors.

Ideally we'd need a minimum of 10 participants to make this interesting. That would amount to a minimum of 30 bounties per week, if all remain in the competition.

The objective of this post is to discuss the idea with the community, to see if we like it and improve the concept.

  [1]: http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/6591/travel