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12 votes
5 answers

Should showing zero research be a close-reason?

Someone voted to close a question: I'm voting to close this question as lacking necessary research. This is the first time I've seen that be a close-reason on TSE. (Perhaps that's just me, though.)...
4 votes
3 answers

Adding detail to existing "encyclopedic" questions - a proposal

We seem to have some "encyclopedic" question on the site, that are intended to cover a wide variety of situations. I see a strong tendency to close questions even remotely related to these "...
14 votes
4 answers

Buried wheelie bins versus writing on churches. Clearly defined criteria?

"Why are wheelie bins half-buried in parts of Luxembourg?" has four close-votes now and will likely be closed as off-topic soon. I was about to cast the fifth vote, but then I thought about it a ...