In this question, a moderator has repeatedly claimed, including in comments and the answer he posted, that Russia is safe for Westerners.
Not only this is factually not true, but the moderator repeatedly deleted my comments pointing out that he's relying on false Russian propaganda, even linking such propaganda as a source to his answer. Imagine any other user saying "So I would disregard the travel warnings and go" when asked whether it is OK to go to a place where my government says I shouldn't.
Proper treatment of this question would be to close it as off topic, but the moderator has a clear pro-Russian bias and uses this question to promote pro-Russian propaganda.
This is not the first time that a moderator used the platform to further his own agenda at the expense of other users. He even forced me out of the platform for a while when I dared to challenge his relentless anti-vax propaganda that endangered and continues to endanger millions. Now he's pushing pro-Russian propaganda.
Please remove this user from the list of moderators, he's clearly unable to perform the duties reliably.
From the Oxford dictionary:
prop·a·gan·da /ˌpräpəˈɡandə/ noun: propaganda; noun: Propaganda information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.