I'm Jin, I work on the designs for the Stack Exchange sites as they graduate from the beta phase. Each site will have its own unique theme that will reflect its topic and culture. However, all sites will share common elements so they feel like they're part of the Stack Exchange family.
For our Travel site design, I have commissioned a very talented designer Adelle Charles for the job. We went over the overall design direction and visual identity for this community. The design goal is to strike a balance between the use of familiar travel related visual cues, and a warm and welcoming aesthetic. We also wanted to blend modern elements with a vintage feel.
The logo is inspired by the location tick that's commonly used in travel and mapping. It conveys the idea of destination. The N/E/S/W label gives it a compass look.
Site Design
Please see the mockups below. While they don't contain all the site elements, they should give you a good overall look and feel of the new design.
please click on the images below to see the full res versions.
I believe the logo works well elsewhere for promoting the site!
We'd love to hear your feedback. If there are no major design changes, we'll launch the new design and graduate the site from Beta soon. An early congrats from me!