Entries for January have now closed. Congratulations to Dirty-flow for their winning entry!
Theme for January, 2020 - Countries .
Describe your experience with a certain country with a set of pictures. This can be culture, nature, people, food, buildings.
Note: The rules for this competition are different. This is a single answer/multiple photos competition.
Rules for January 2020:
- Maximum of 1 answer per user.
- You may submit more than one photo per answer. But try to keep it to no more than 5 photos.
- The subject of the photos is countries.
- The photos can have been taken anytime.
- The photos should all be of the same country.
- Try and keep it non offensive.
- All entries should include a line of text with the location and subject of the photo and when the photo was taken, date for recent photos, month for 'a few years old' and year only of old ones.
- The photo has to be taken by the user* who posted it and taken in the time frame given in the description for that month's photo. (*Or one of a two people team, give credit to the actual person who took the photo, nick names are acceptable.)
- Remember we are 'Travel' stack exchange. If you can give the photo or its description a travel connection, you should get more votes (and/or stand a better chance on getting the virtual prize.)
- No entries/photos should be posted before the 1st of January, 2020
- No entries/photos should be posted after the end of January, 2020.
- Voting will run till midnight, the last seconds of January 2020* and to be clear, we use UTC, just like the site itself. (*Or as soon after as your main judge can see the votes.)
Please do not delete posts if you do not get upvotes (or even get down votes.) It is what you entered, stand by it.
(If you think a photo does not meet the rules, you can post a comment or ask about it in the chat.)
If you want to join in sharing themes for future competitions, please see Possible topics for the photo competition. Just edit your suggestions into the community wiki answers there. And to have a say in which one will be selected next month, do a suggestion, soon after a month started, in the You Are Here chat. Be ready to defend your choice for a while, as more people might post suggestions.