I suspect 90% of wintersport questions will be about snow-sports. Is 90% of one tag being another, more specific tag a problem?
Should people wanting to know if they can go bobsledding in the Carribean use something like ice-sports instead?
I suspect 90% of wintersport questions will be about snow-sports. Is 90% of one tag being another, more specific tag a problem?
Should people wanting to know if they can go bobsledding in the Carribean use something like ice-sports instead?
I don't think snow-sports OR ice-sports are useful tags.
99% of people, when asked to categorise bob-sledding or skiing or ice skating or anything involving snow and/or ice, are going to call it "winter sports". I don't see why a subdivision of wintersport is necessary considering that people who are experts about "snow-sports" are probably going to know a lot about "ice-sports" as well, considering that in a lot of situations the terms are interchangeable.
I just don't think that most people would even think to search the term "snow-sports".