Should questions like Carrying two laptops to India - will I have to pay duty? or Can I take two laptops to India from United States? One bought in India and one in US or How much electronics and other valuables can I bring duty-free when going to India? or When travelling internationally with valuable personal effects, how do I avoid paying duty at each border crossing? or How many iPhone 6 devices can I bring into India? be considered on topic here?
There are actually several more questions which would be borderline considered re-phrase-able into "Will I get caught smuggling XXX into YYY?"
Of course, no one uses the word smuggling in their questions, but in almost all of the listed questions, when reading the facts of Indian customs regulations (for those asking specifically about India) the travellers would be considered smuggling and be at a minimum, fined.
It is almost always possible to not be flagged for inspection by customs, and even if you are inspected, sometimes it would be possible to talk your way through, but suggesting this could be considered as aiding in breaking the law.
Do we (should we) keep to the laws, as written? or help users by giving advice on how to avoid them?