Earlier tonight, I found myself at a party chatting with an occasional Travel.SE contributor not on the Travel.SE Members meetup list. Other than a little banter over how many questions I've both asked and answered, the discussions turned to answers and apparent self promotion.
The StackExchange network has some quite strict guidance on self promotion, including Meta.SE questions like this. The person in question has read them, and tried to abide by them when answering questions on the area they know well (which overlaps with the area their travel startup covers). They felt they were doing their best to give generally useful answers, and only link to their site as appropriate, but apparently they've received some push-back on some of their answers.
I know that we do suffer from a fair number of people promoting themselves or their business on our site, which does mean some of our mods have to stamp down hard. However, I would've thought that we ought to be welcoming to people who join our community, and offer answers to questions in a fair and transparent way. Unfortunately, my discussions at the party tonight seem to go against that.
Given our relative profile for a number of search terms, and the spammers that come with it, do we need to have harsher rules than many SE sites about self promotion? Or otherwise do we need to be more friendly to those who try to provide useful help and answers within our rules?