I sometimes run across questions like:
How to stay in Thailand for more than 30 days?
and noticed that there was some outdated information. But then I thought about the fact that a lot of visa-related questions can become outdated. But newer questions that may initially appear to be duplicates should not be dismissed as being duplicate because the information could have changed and therefore requires a new answer.
Enhancement: I propose that question related to visas and other categories that are subject to regular changes have more leniency when flagging for duplicates. Flaggers should be reminded that questions in certain categories are updated frequently. Perhaps it could be put on hold first for a week or so before automatically labeling the q off topic
or duplicate
. Also alert flagger that if a question or selected answer (whichever is sooner) is older than X weeks/months, then the information may be outdated.
Enhancement: Or there could be some notification either before the question or before the list of answers (after a certain time elapse since selected answer (or most upvoted answer, whichever is newest) was posted that says something like:
This appears to be a Visa-Related question and it is older than X months. The information may be outdated. If you think the answer is no longer valid, you may reask the question and link to this question.
This would be visible to all that visit that particular Q&A, not just when flagging.