Not-accepted questions - do you have any?
Yes, these on main for example:
Do I have to fill out a form when submitting a blood test for a Kurdistan residency permit? If so, what details does it request?
Supplying your own needle for Blood test for a Kurdistan residency permit
Where can I apply for Kurdistan short-term residency?
Minimum available passport blank page requirements
For the first there is no A yet for me to consider Accepting (see).
For the second (needle) I have Commented on the A. I searched for the video mentioned without success. There is a time element so an A that is not even direct and could be as much as 22 years old concerning a relatively fluid environment does not (yet?) merit a tick, IMO. I have though upvoted it.
For the third (residency permit) I think the A is to a different Q, not what was asked, as I have Commented there.
For the fourth (blank pages) I very much appreciate your A and have upvoted and Commented on it. However I am still hoping for more and you seem to accept your A is far from comprehensive (with good reason!). I am usually in favour of applying a tick to the best of very helpful As regardless of whether comprehensive or tested by me (on the basis that even if not the result good indication of the direction towards and distance to such a result may be adequate) but at the moment I am just short of deeming your answer 'one that worked for me'.
However, I think your main interest may not be in what any one user's acceptance rate is but rather concern, in my view fully justified, that where the system is not used the way it was designed to the outcome will not be what it could and should be. As it happens, that is a 'pet peeve' of mine.
not accepted
/all not closed
is about 30%, pretty similar to the one of older and larger TeX.SX site, so it's not something to worry about much. Still, it's better to accept an answer if there's is a one which is worth it! :)user:me
to the query made by Dirty-flow.